Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Another Hot Day!!!

Yesterday the women made sun catchers with the kids, while the men worked hard out in the heat. Darlene and I made limeade, and it was a hit with everyone. We had to hand squeeze at least 20 limes, and does my shoulder ever hurt. We then went to a local house down the street and got the best homemade juice. We got a mixed fruit punch and pineapple orange, it is all natural fruit with no sugar added. Later that afternoon Anna, Cindy, Trudy, and Lorraine made a memory game with the kids and played the game with them a while, all the kids enjoyed the game. By evening we had some bright red men who did not think that sunblock was not an essential (David and Jeff), but today they are well coated. Now not only are the women getting eaten up by the bugs so are the men. Jeff's legs look like he went through a brutal session of acupuncture.
Then last night we had devotions with the kids and sang songs with them. Cindy was the devotion leader, and she spoke about Palm Sunday. After devotions Cindy, Lorraine, and I helped put the kids to bed. One little boy was sick yesterday, and now five more woke up this morning with fevers and cannot go to school.
Now today us women are taking on new duties because the director Miss Joan is taking a few days off. Trudy will be in charge of the sick kids, and we will be helping with the other kids today and tonight. So stay tuned for tomorrow to see what happens. Ruth Smith

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