Tuesday, February 26, 2008


February 23, 2008

Well this was our last full day in Belize. We finished putting in the new drainage pipe and got the mower running to mow some grass. As we are packing to leave everyone has expressed a desire to return to see their family and friends.

In the evening, Wayne led final devotions and singing.

We will be leaving at 8:00am tomorrow for the airport.

Although this is my fourth trip down to Hosanna House, this is the first trip that included being able to work and visit with the home full of children. In summing up our trip down here, I believe everyone, no, I know everyone has been touched by one child or an others story. Each one has a story, just as each of us have a story.

My wife and I have been doing foster care in the states for over 3 years now. It's unbelievable that even with the different culture, there is still a similarity in how families are falling apart. What makes things even worse in both countries is the fact that allot of us just pretend or keep blinders on as to how bad things really are for families of today.

In the book of James 1:27, we read, Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

I believe that our Orphans and widows of today are the broken family's. Single women or men trying to raise children by themselves, or children who are ignored because we want to follow our own selfish desire, so that they are left to fend for themselves.

Christians of the world need to wake up and try to help fix the problem. We can build orphanages and create programs all over the world including in the states, but if these children are not given purpose, attention, responsibility, accountability, and most importantly love, then we are not helping anything.

Pray for Hosanna House and all similar missions that they will meet the needs of the children they serve. Pray for Bob and Darlene as they work to help children in Belize.

Well, God willing I will see some of these children in a year or sooner!!! For those who move on, my prayer is that, the seed planted, will be watered, fostered and tended until it blooms.

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