Wednesday, February 06, 2008


Work Team Summarization 2/3/2008

We wanted to summarize the work done at Hosanna House during the week of January 28 – February 2. What an incredible adventure we experienced. It was such a joy to get to know the children and adults that reside in the house. We were privileged to meet and interact with some people who live in the nearby villages. A few of us were also able to visit one of the schools and attend a ‘spelling bee’ that involved Victoria as one of the finalists. Unfortunately, she was not the winner but everyone was very proud of all her hard work.

In spite of hot and humid conditions, unexpected rain showers, and the tractor breaking (which meant much of the digging was done by ‘man-power’) the men completed a much need, major project. The volleyball/basketball court was dug, leveled, packed and concrete was poured and leveled. The children found this to be an ideal place for bike riding!!

Work on the church was secondary, but electric wires were pulled and window frames were installed. The roof project was planned but not completed. In order to conserve some of the air conditioning in the work teams’ dining room/lounge area boards were purchased to install a ceiling. These were stained and half the project was able to be completed.

Some of us were busy inside the house. The office was cleaned, rearranged and painted. A much needed copier was also installed in the office. The children’s classroom was cleaned and organized. Three computers were connected to the internet; two additional computers were set up for the younger children to work with educational games. On Saturday, with the help of the boys, their bedroom was cleaned and painted.

We had a great week working together, cultivating new friendships and serving God together.

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