Friday, July 25, 2008


VBS July 2008

On Monday the 21st, we taught the kids about creation. We sang a song called "The seven C's of history", the kids seem to enjoy singing. Everything went very well, and the rain held up so it was a beautiful morning for us. Tuesday, they learned about when Adam and Eve ate the fruit from the forbidden tree. Our song was " I've got DNA", that is a big hit here, all of the kids participate in the singing and motions. We had a very good first half of the week, and Wednesday brought more excitement from the kids. Noah's ark was the story, and the children loved drawing animals in the boat they made during bible story. Today was about how the Lord mixed all of the languages and called the city Babel, because the people were building a tower to glorify themselves and not God, and he was displeased and sent down confusion and thats where the rabble, the babel began. That's part of a new song we learned today, called "Babel Rabble". Tomorrow we will cover how God sent down His only begotten Son, who loves us so much! =]

Life here is very different from the states. It takes a few days to to adjust. We cannot go outside without bug spray or else they will eat us alive, and bug spray is new part of our daily lives! Luckily, it has only drizzled buckets full at night, it's so loud that you have to yell to the person your talking to. Even if they are sitting right beside you. We have found only two scorpions, one tarantula, two snakes, and many many many geckos during our two-week visit.

During our first week here, we spent Wednesday night and Thursday morning at Paradise Island. We went snorkeling and had a lot of fun. Thursday morning we had planned to go fishing and had to delay the starting time because of rain. While we were out fishing it rained for about 20 minutes, and we had nothing to keep us dry. Also on our way back from the island we ran into more rain and it lasted for about 25 mintutes. We were miserable soaked and all of our bags were also drenched.

Almost everybody had gotten sick in some form of the stomach virus, that has been going around. DUring our first week here we spent most of our time getting to know the kids, playing futbol, volleyball, watching plenty of movies, and the girls painted nails and gave each other different hair do's.

Tomorrow the 25th is the our last full day here, we leave early Saturday morning. We will all be taking memories of our fun adventures over the past two weeks, but will be glad to return to our family's.


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